Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dry a bouquet of Roses for a scrapbook...?

I love to scrapbook and recently got engaged. I wanted to dry one of the roses from my bouquet so that I can put the dried rose petal in my scrapbook. Any thoughts on the best way to dry the rose? Hang it upside down?

Dry a bouquet of Roses for a scrapbook...?
In my opinion, dried roses are very pretty but once flattened, as you would need in a scrapbook, they lose some of their eye appeal.

I would suggest taking at least one of the roses and removing a few petals. Take those petals and press them between sheets of paper toweling sandwiched between a couple of heavy books. The dried petals might work better in your scrapbook as they will not be as bulky as an entire dried bloom.

The intact dried blooms will last for years displayed in a vase or one of those glass display domes. You can add other keepsakes from your engagement to one of the domes and make a little vignette :)
Reply:I agree with the previous answer. Do be sure that it is a warm DRY place with good air circulation so that the roses don't mold or mildew before drying.
Reply:The best way to dry a rose is to hang it upside down. It will keep the rose looking completely perfect and straight, and it will dry to perfection just like it looked when you got it. :) Congrads by the way!
Reply:Yes, hanging it upside down is the best way. Since you want to put it into a scrapbook, you might want to press the rose flat before hanging it upside down. Once it's dry, you'll have nice flat petals. If you just hang it before flattening the petals, they might crush when you put them into your scrapbook.

Congradulations on your engagement and good luck!

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