Saturday, November 19, 2011

How long did you save your wedding bouquet?

I'm thinking mine is so gross it should be thrown away... Has anyone ever regretted tossing their's out?

Incidentally... Do you think it's rude for a bridesmaid to leave her bouquet at the reception?

How long did you save your wedding bouquet?
I was married last June and I still have my bouquet. I thought mine was a little gross too, since I had Lilly's in it and they don't exactly dry out "pretty". But I couldn't see throwing it out. It's funny you asked about your bridesmaids bouquets because none of my bridesmaids (5) took their bouquets home with them. I have all the bouquets. I kept them all. Ah... Memories :) I got a shadow box and put two bouquets inside it with a wedding photo. It hangs on the wall in my living room. You can get a shadow box from any craft store. It's like a really deep picture frame. :)
Reply:After 2 years of marriage, I still have mine. Plan to use it in some form of floral arrangement in my new home.
Reply:maybe she just forgot the bouquet. do NOT throw out your bouquet...instead crumble them all up into potpurrie, add a drop or 2 of scented oil. find or buy a beautiful jarw/lid to hold the potpurrie. still your bouquet..just recycled. my aunt made lil potpurrie sachets w/net %26amp; lace %26amp; flowers. she used them in her dresser but also sent 1 , 2 each bridesmaids %26amp; matron of honor. pretty nice way 2 continue remem. your special day. just cont. 2 add oil drops when they need 2 b re-newed. she had ribbon on them also.
Reply:I still have mine and it looks good to cause i had silk flowers for mine.its packed in a box some where. good luck
Reply:I still have my bouquet 10 years and counting ( I dried and varnished it so it still looks beautiful)

In the rush and hub bub of the wedding day and reception a bridesmaid mispplacing her bouquet at the reception is not uncommon... Each bouquet should be marked on the underside to show which bridesmaid it belongs to so that it can easily be returned to her should it be misplaced...
Reply:I still have mine after 7 years of being married. I love the ribbons on it and don't have the heart to throw it out.
Reply:i still have mine in a vase, like stuck in a corner somewhere. it's really gross. i just can't bring myself to throw the thing away. it's a little rude, especially considering how pricey bouquets can get. oh I've been married for 3 years.
Reply:i just kept a few flowers from it. and yes, it is rude for bridesmaid to leave it. maybe she forgot though
Reply:I got my bouquet freeze-dried and mounted in a glass case- I'm a sentimental gardener- I didn't want those carefully selected flowers to just die.

I don't think it's rude to leave the bridesmaid's bouquet at the reception, just surprising. Flowers aren't as meaningful to some people, I guess. All of mine kept theirs and dried them... granted, I picked flowers on purpose so they would dry well....
Reply:The bouquet is merely a symbol. It's the rest of your life that counts, NOT the bouquet. Many more important things will happen in your married life that make your bouquet seem irrelevant. At least I certainly hope so.
Reply:I still have mine. I dried it out and have it packed away in a box. It is 13 years old.
Reply:no its not rude, that depends on the bride, And the other question, I had my bouquet for 10 years, then i got a divorce then i threw it away, As mine was not real flowers they were silk, I carried a homade bouquet A japenese Fan all draped in silk flowers, white roses

Reply:After the divorce, it was tossed in with the trash.
Reply:My bouquet was silk, very colorful and real looking. I still have mine stored away in a box five years later. I asked my bridesmaids if they minded giving me their flowers after the wedding. I have those stored away as well.

Obviously the flowers were not very important to your bridesmaid if she left them behind. Careless but not rude.
Reply:When it is dead, toss it. It will be in your wedding photos forever... Bridesmaid is not rude, she was probably intoxicated and forgot it......
Reply:My bouquet was silks so yeah I saved mine and the groomsmen flowers and I think the maid of honors also, I'm glad I did. I eventually had a garage sale and sold them and it happened a frantic bride to be came in as I was about to close and bought it and it had been what she'd been looking for but could not afford.

I think she may have just forgot it, if it has really hurt you why not call her and ask her about it. If she was enough of a friend to be in your wedding then she should be able to respect you and tell you why she left it behind.
Reply:I still have's been a year %26amp; a flowers were silk though.

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